Kyoto by the Sea DMO x what3words

A new way of looking at the world

Check out this video to learn about how what3words works.

what3words at a glance

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what3words is a FREE an easy way to identify precise locations. Every 3 meter square has been given a unique combination of three words: a what3words address. Now anyone can find, share and navigate to precise locations using three simple words.

What’s different about what3words:

This is more accurate than a street address, so you’ll know exactly where to go. Simply enter the three words into the free what3words app and tap ‘Navigate’ to get directions in your preferred navigation app.


You can now navigate the Kyoto by the Sea area with just three words.

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The fishing village of Ine is one of Japan’s Most Beautiful Villages. There are 230 boat houses (funaya) built right along the bay, some of which have been turned into accommodations. What3Words can pinpoint exact locations, and with so many boat houses built right next to each other, What3 Words will ensure you arrive at the precise location.

It even works on the water. Visitors taking a sea taxi around the bay can experience the town from a completely different perspective. And what’s more is that sea taxis can drop you off at some of the best locations in town, no need for roads. Where was that sake brewery with the ancient red rice sake? How about that café right on the water? Just access your saved locations in What3Words to know exactly where they are and where you want to go.

We will be adding what3words tags/addresses to the maps on our website to ensure visitors a smooth travel experience.

And it’s fun! Play around with what3words:

There’s more!

As of 2020, the Japan Travel App by Navitime is the first navigation app to accept what3words. It will help you not just find the right area, but the exact location you hoping to find.

Japan Travel App

Japan Travel app supports international tourist traveling to Japan with the most efficient navigation. You can find destinations to visit, plan itineraries, make reservations, and search routes while actually traveling. Content is available in 13 languages.

The Japan Travel by NAVITIME app is available for free on iOS and Android devices.